One Step, One Punch, One Round at a time…

Mark Sclaire
3 min readJan 4, 2021

That is what Rocky tells Apollo’s Son in the movie CREED when he is training him

But what does that have to do with business?

It has everything to do with Business and here is why

When Rocky is telling Apollo’s son, “1 punch, 1 step, 1 round” he is saying, don’t think too far ahead, stay present, if we break this down, it becomes achievable but if we focus too much on the future we will lose focus of what it takes to get there

How often do you have the best intentions to make it a successful day, week, month, and year but we get ahead of ourselves and that leads you to be complacent but even worse, overwhelmed and start to get anxiety

I want to have my Sales Training Platform ready for launch by the start of Q2 — that’s my goal and that scares the sh%t out of me because there is so much to do,

So many videos

So much content to write

Which platform

Where do I get traffic from

How do I know people will want it?

Are these the types of thoughts that go through your head?

On the Flipside ….

What also happens is I say to myself, “I have 3 months, that’s plenty of time, I can get it done by then, I will start tomorrow

Tomorrow turns into the next day and the next week, the next month and before I know it I have reached 31st March and I have nothing to show for it

Which one are you, do you get overwhelmed with analysis paralysis, or do you get complacent, and before you know it time is up and you’ve not got anywhere

Either way, what is important and a solution to this is to break down your day, week, month, and year

I am not one for strict daily regimented plans but for you to get somewhere you need to know how to get there

Sales Training Platform completed by 31st March, what does that look like?

How many videos in total? How many broken down per day?

How much content needs to be written up?

What platform will I be hosting it on?

Automated messaging….what does that look like?

What does the journey look like when we are interacting with the client during sign up and usage.?

Etc Etc Etc

I know my goal but saying I want to have this ready by end of q1 isn’t enough, I have to lay out this road map,

1 Step….1 Punch…1 Round…. at a time

All of us are being told at the moment to make plans, be realistic, be smart, be accountable, be measured and it is all true but I don’t think Complacency and Anxiety is spoken about enough when it comes to this

I suffer from both at times, I accept it, I know I will have good and bad days but because I have broken down what I need to do on a daily, weekly basis, I know if I keep to it, stay focused, stay in the moment, I can achieve it

If you feel this has been of value, give it a like and share, would love to hear your thoughts and if I can help in any way, please message and let’s have a chat.

All the best in 2021, it’s going to be tough but those who are disciplined, consistent, and persistent will achieve what they set out to achieve.



Mark Sclaire
Mark Sclaire

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